by Nat J

staring at the robots			Ahhhhh
for at least an hour			now Wiggle-booty is free!
waiting as the				my patternless brand of
garbage plays...				dancing on display for
wave after wave				no one in particular
of flesh flaunting fillies		Dreadlocks exploring
flow past my eyes				the airspace around
and my half-digested dinner		my head...
threatens to introduce			ill-fitting clothes billow out and mask
itself to an				intricate
unsuspecting audience...		arm and leg movements
the posers					producing an effect that I,
practice their "moves"			having seen once in the
flashing their glow-sticks		mirrors of C Street,
and teeth-lights,				cannot bear to watch...
while checking their hair		It's alright though,
and techno pants				since my purpose has
for any semblance of			never been to use
mainstream "anything"			my dancing as a visual
though the fact that			pickup line...
Target sells those			That may be partially
same pants means				due to my ability to
nothing to them				garner an enviable amount
Sick of watching the "sights"		of attention from
I approach the DJ				homeless, jobless, and often toothless
begging for something a 		drunk guys at the end of the night-
little more hardcore than		Despite all this
Cher's venture into electronica...	I continue to dance
15 minutes later				alone...
the beat begins to pickup		odd successions of 
and I tentatively eye			spasmodic movements
the dancefloor...				discouraging the wrigglers
The half-naked wrigglers		from getting too close...
and their beer-chugging escorts		I don't letup until
never alter their				the DJ goes back to
rhythymless gyrating			playing weak baselines
even after drastic			further embarrassed by the
changes in the music...			sappy vocals slapped on top...
Finally, a deep				As I flee the dance floor
baseline catches my			in search of a little H2O and then the exit,
attention and				I wonder if people laugh
my limbs twitch				at what they see me do...
to the beat-
I practically run
to the dance floor
determined to find			A few seconds later,
a spot free of				my mind returns to thoughts of
floating cigarettes and			chocolate cake and
flying puddles of booze...		how much I like eating it...
Copyrighted by Nat J © 2002
All rights reserved